the Alchemy of

UNLOCK your SOUL'S purpose,
share your magic with THE WORLD.

Your soul knows the way

There's a message,
a mission, & MAGIC... burning inside you, waiting to be shared

Are you ready to step into your true calling and make a lasting impact?

You’re here because you feel a deep calling to create something meaningful — something that aligns with the truth of who you are. You know you’re meant for something bigger, and you’re ready to bring your purpose to life in a way that feels effortless, aligned, and magnetic.

That’s exactly what we do here.

Deep down you know that you’re here to do something meaningful - to make an impact in some way. But the path ahead still feels unclear.

Maybe you've had glimpses of it, or had moments of insight that gave you a taste of what’s possible, but the full picture remains just out of reach. You're left wondering: What are the next steps? How do I turn this calling into something real?

If you're asking yourself...
> What is my true calling & highest purpose?
> What am I really here to do? What path is best for me?
> How can I turn my purpose into a soul-aligned business that makes a meaningful impact?
> How can I make sure that the business I create is truly aligned and will actually work?

…then you’re in the right place, my love.

You know you're here to do

something bigger —

                                       is the integration of

The Alchemy of Purpose

who you're here to be + what you're here to do.

is the integration of

1. Feeling lost, confused, and stuck —
No more feeling overwhelmed or endlessly doubting yourself or your path. You will move through life with unwavering self-trust, knowing your exact next steps, and feeling confident in every decision you make.

2. Wasting time on things that aren't serving you or moving you forward —
No more wasting time on distractions or things that aren't actually adding value to your life or what you're trying to create. You’ll know exactly where to direct your time and energy, and not only that, but you’ll do so in a way that actually gives you more of it. This is one of my favorite life hacks. You’ll know exactly what's most aligned for you and your path, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

3. Not knowing your purpose or living up to your full potential —
No more settling for a life that doesn't match what you're truly capable of, or feeling like you're missing out on the life you were meant to live. Picture yourself waking up everyday with clear direction and genuine excitement, deeply connected to your purpose, and fully embodying it in everything you do.

4. Overwhelm and scattered focus —
No more chaos from trying to do too much without a clear path. You'll design a process that allows your creativity to flow while providing a supportive structure, giving you focus and direction to bring all your ideas to life without feeling scattered.

5. Wondering if you'll ever make it happen —
No more wondering if you have what it takes to make this happen. You do, and it's available to you now. Step into a life where your soul's purpose is fully integrated and embodied, empowering you to share your magic with the world.

GET READY TO SAY goodbye TO...

sarah k.

This experience helped me bridge the gap between my purpose and my business. For me this program was more like a spiritual journey. I was able to let my creativity flow while being structured and creating something real, in a way I hadn’t been able to figure out before. I went from feeling lost to knowing exactly what steps to take and feeling so empowered. I am so grateful.

"This was a spiritual journey, and helped me bridge the gap between my purpose and my business."

Megan T.

Working with Kendra changed the direction of my life in so many ways. I went from feeling disconnected from my purpose and overwhelmed, trying to figure out how to start my business, to gaining clarity on my soul’s purpose and how it is directly connected to the business I was trying to create. I also got to experience firsthand how this process can be easier than I even thought and is so fun. Now, I have a business that is deeply aligned with who I am. I actually wake up excited every day, ready to share my gifts and serve those I’m meant to help. This journey has been nothing short of magical!

"I wake up excited every day, ready to share my gifts and serve those I’m meant to help."

where soul-aligned entrepreneurs bring their magic to life


You feel scattered and pulled in multiple directions, with endless ideas but no clear structure to bring them to life. You know you’re meant for something bigger, but you’re struggling to translate that calling into a business.

You’ve heard the calling, and you’re ready to go all in on your purpose — but you need clarity on how to turn that into something real. You know that if you don’t act now, you could end up stuck in a cycle of waiting, and miss your chance to create the impact and life you desire.

You crave clarity. You want to create something that feels like an authentic expression of who you are. You want to find that one thing that brings all your magic together in a way that feels powerful, purposeful, and uniquely yours.

You’re at a crossroads — stuck between a job or lifestyle that no longer fulfills you, and the desire to pursue something more meaningful. You’re spinning your wheels with various ideas, dreaming of what's possible. You know there’s something more you could be doing… but where do you start?

You want to bring something to life that is a reflection of your soul's purpose. You're not here just for the sake of having a business — you want to create something meaningful that makes an impact.

You need support turning your big ideas into a concrete plan. You have the vision and passion, but you want help creating the structure and strategy that will bring your purpose-driven business to life.

There is a very specific reason that you were born - an important reason. You have a unique purpose to share with the world.

Do you feel it?

I’ve been there.

I knew I had a higher purpose, something greater I was meant to do — but for so long, I couldn't quite grasp what it was. I felt the pull to make a meaningful impact, but the pursuit often led to more confusion and, eventually, burnout. So, I pressed pause on my dreams, and returned to the life I was used to — one where I would only get so far before stopping again, spending time on things that didn't truly serve me, and hoping that someday the answers might come to me or things would eventually fall into place.

But that didn't happen and the whispers never stopped. They only got louder.

As time passed, I felt it more intensely — that I wasn’t living my true purpose or my fullest potential. Finding my purpose almost felt elusive, like a hidden truth I knew was there, waiting to be discovered. But how would I know for sure when I found it?

What I did know was that I was made for more. I had something within me, longing to be brought to life, and I was done waiting. I couldn’t shake the knowing that everything I had gone through had a reason behind it. I refused to let all the wild, beautiful, painful experiences of my life go to waste. 

But I wasn't sure what to do next. How could I take everything I was feeling called to and make sense of it? How could I know what my true purpose was? And even if I did figure it out, what could I do with it? What would be the best path for me?

I spent a lot of time going deep, exploring various modalities and trainings, and working with mentors and teachers. I began to piece it all together and things finally made complete sense. I couldn't unsee what I now knew. I knew with absolute certainty what my soul's purpose was. I could see the big vision along with all the next steps right in front of me. Everything aligned.

My understanding was so strong that my commitment to myself and living my purpose became the most natural thing I could do.

Discovering my purpose was just the beginning. It opened up a whole new world of possibilities, allowing me to see all the ways I could express and apply it in the world. So I began to take action and brought my visions to life in a real way. I had never felt so sure about anything in my life, and I had never felt more genuinely aligned or excited about where I was heading than I did now, now that I was on this path.

Now I have the blueprint for my soul’s purpose and a roadmap for a life fully aligned with it — something that brings deep connection and fulfillment in a way I’ve never experienced before. I see my life as a journey divided into two distinct parts: Life Before Purpose, where the past versions of me lived, and Life After Purpose, where I am now and where I'm going beyond here.

This experience has been the most beautiful gift, and I want it for everyone.

And that's how this program was born.

sign me up

hey, honey

If you’re a                                  
multipassionate soul who knows so many possibilities exist, but you often feel stuck and unsure of how to move forward or how to trust your visions & bring them to life,                           


this is for you.


Working with Kendra was one of the most transformative experiences of my life and in ways I never expected. All the questions I had about my purpose were answered, and now I know exactly what I’m meant to do. I’m finally sharing my creative side in ways I had held in for way too long! I’ve successfully launched multiple projects, trusting my intuition and knowing my higher self is guiding me. I allow my creativity to flow, knowing that whatever I choose to do with it will be aligned with my purpose because I now know exactly what it is.

"I’ve successfully launched multiple projects, trusting my intuition and knowing my higher self is guiding me."

chelsea b.

I had been spinning my wheels trying to figure out how to connect my passion with a business idea, but nothing felt right until I found Kendra and her work. She helped me uncover my soul’s purpose and build a business that feels completely aligned. I’m no longer overwhelmed or wasting my energy on a bunch of things I thought I was supposed to be doing (but that weren't actually getting me anywhere). I’m now building a business from a place of deep purpose, and the results have been beyond what I imagined.

"I had been spinning my wheels trying to figure out how to connect my passion with a business idea, but nothing felt right until I found Kendra."


I was filled with ideas I was excited about but so overwhelmed at the same time. I knew I had a deeper purpose but felt lost and didn’t really know what I could truly offer. Working with Kendra helped me connect with my purpose in a way that opened up an entire new vision for me. I now know exactly what I’m here to do and feel so excited about what’s next.

"Working with Kendra helped me connect with my purpose in a way that opened up an entire new vision for me. I now know exactly what I’m here to do."

phase 01



phase 03

Share Your Magic with ConfidencE

Welcome to your sacred journey

The Alchemy of Purpose is more than a program; it’s a sacred journey home — to yourself. As you move through this transformative process, you’ll emerge deeply rooted in your soul’s essence, with unwavering clarity on your purpose. Along the way, you’ll gain invaluable tools to continuously access deeper layers of alignment, growth, and expression, empowering you to embody your highest vision with confidence. This journey is designed to support you for a lifetime, empowering you to live fully, share your magic, and create from the highest alignment of your soul’s purpose.

Begin your transformative journey by connecting deeply with your higher self and your highest visions. In this phase, you’ll break free from self-doubt and limiting beliefs, strengthening your self-trust to make empowered decisions. Align with your unique energetic frequency, ensuring that you channel your energy into what truly matters. Through a proven, custom framework, you’ll uncover your soul's unique gifts and superpowers. By the end of this phase, you’ll have mapped out your Soul Purpose Blueprint, providing you with a clear and aligned vision for bringing your purpose to life.

Finally, it's time to step into your power and share your magic with the world. In this phase, you’ll develop the mindset and skills to communicate your value authentically, allowing you to make a meaningful impact. Learn how to create compelling content that speaks directly to your audience and supports your offerings. Explore the energetics behind showing up as a bold leader, and building a strong, aligned presence. You’ll be supported every step of the way, ensuring that you’re set up for success and ready to emerge from this phase ready to shine and share your magic with the world.

In this phase, you’ll dive deep into expressing your soul’s purpose through a business that feels truly aligned with who you are. We’ll build a solid foundation for your soul-aligned business, starting with your unique mission and identifying exactly who you’re here to serve and impact. Together, we’ll address any resistance to stepping into your power as you rise into this new chapter. You’ll create a magnetic brand that reflects your soul essence — visually, energetically and through your messaging. We’ll cover everything from brand identity and strategy to creating offerings that light you up and feel in total alignment with your purpose. By the end of this phase, you’ll have a blueprint for a soul-aligned business that is both fulfilling and impactful, ready to bring your vision to life with confidence.

Soul-Aligned Business

Soul Purpose Clarity

Share Your Magic

phase 02

This isn’t just about having a business.

It’s about creating something soulful and meaningful, where your business becomes an extension of who you are at the deepest level — a true reflection of your soul’s purpose.

It’s not just about strategy or profit, but about aligning with your true calling and becoming an energetic match to serve those you’re meant to reach.

The truth is...

What you'll walk away with

Unshakeable Clarity on Your Soul’s Purpose. Dive deep into the core of who you are and why you’re here. Gain unwavering certainty about your soul’s true calling. This deep connection to your purpose will serve as your guiding force, helping you navigate every decision in your life with confidence and alignment.

Personalized Soul Purpose Blueprint. Unlock your unique gifts and learn how to express them in ways that only you can. Learn to embody your purpose in all areas of your life, whether it’s through a soul-aligned business, creative project, or simply living with greater intention. Your purpose is multifaceted, and this blueprint will help you understand how you can express it in endless ways.

Magnetic Offer Creation + Authentic Expression. Bring the expression of your purpose to life by learning how to translate it into a business or project that feels exciting and aligned. You’ll learn how to develop a magnetic presence and irresistible offers that perfectly align with your vision.

Strong Foundation for Sustainable Success. Establish essential foundational elements and soulful strategies that will set you up for long-term success. With a solid foundation, you’ll be prepared to launch, grow and evolve your vision with clarity and confidence.

Confidence to Share Your Magic. Develop deep, unshakeable self-trust in what you have to offer. You’ll walk away with the confidence to share your mission authentically, attracting the right people and opportunities that align with your purpose.

Harmony Between Purpose and Life. Discover how to embody your purpose while balancing all the important areas of your life. Whether you’re juggling a full-time job or a busy schedule, you’ll discover how to nurture both your purpose and your personal well-being with ease - because it is so possible to do both.

Lifelong Resources for Continued Evolution. Gain access to valuable tools and resources that support your lifelong journey of living a life of purpose. This program goes beyond short-term success, providing you with everything you need to continue thriving long after it ends.


Every week for twelve weeks, we will meet for a 60-minute Zoom call, diving deep into the focus of the week. These personalized sessions provide tailored guidance, ensuring you receive the support you need to thrive.

Every week you’ll engage in transformative soul assignments and practices designed to deepen your journey. These assignments will help you clarify your visions and establish a solid foundation.

(1X / WEEK)


Gain exclusive access to a vault of wisdom, featuring guided meditations, visualizations, and customized practices tailored just for you. You’ll also find personal resource recommendations and more, all designed to support your journey.


This program combines a comprehensive curriculum with personalized coaching over three transformative months. You will engage in soul assignments and develop customized blueprints to support your journey. Together, we will outline specific aligned actions that lead to real, tangible results. Our weekly coaching calls will provide a supportive space for you to explore your discoveries and creations, where I will offer feedback, deep insights, guidance, and support to accelerate your journey toward your soul-aligned vision.

I am so excited to be able to offer this as an exclusive bonus this round! It's something really special that has made a world of difference for my clients. This opens the door for you to ask questions, share feelings as they come up, or share your ideas via text, voice notes, photos, and videos. This allows me to support you even deeper through the weeks we work together (so you don't have to bottle everything up and wait until our sessions each week). This is usually an add-on, but for a limited time it will be included in this package.



*limited time


Are you ready to embrace The Alchemy of Purpose - the beautiful fusion of who you're meant to be with what you're meant to do

This is a deep, immersive 1:1 experience and is available by application only. Once your application has been submitted and reviewed, I’ll reach out to schedule a discovery call. During the call, you’ll have the opportunity to gain more insight into the program, ask any questions you may have, and explore whether this journey feels like the right fit.

*If the program is currently full, I'll keep you updated on future openings!

If you’re feeling this, I’d love to connect with you.


The visionaries
The healers
The creatives
The alchemists
The dreamers + the doers
The changemakers

For the ones who know they are meant for more


Knowing your soul's purpose feels like tapping into a 

Feeling this energy move through you is deep, omnipresent, all-encompassing.

It’s the ground beneath your feet,                        you through every season, every storm.

But it’s also the light in the distance that guides you, like a North Star pulling you toward who you’re meant to be and what you’re meant to do.

It’s not something outside of you — it lives                                          a constant, intuitive knowing that directs your path and fuels your soul.

divine force.


within your heart,

taylor S.

I used to feel a lot of resistance about starting a business and being an entrepreneur, even though a part of me really wanted it. It was complicated! The truth was that I was afraid of the unknown and of trying something and failing (and many other limiting beliefs I learned about and eliminated through this experience). I had no idea how much energetics goes into business but understanding that really changed everything for me. Fast forward to now: I have a successful business that I couldn’t be more excited about with so many more things I want to bring to this world. Since I now have solid foundations in place, I know I have the ability to execute any of my ideas - this in itself is everything to me.

"Now I have a successful business and solid foundations in place, I know I have the ability to execute any of my ideas - this in itself is everything to me."


Kendra helped me see where I was playing small and showed me how to step into my power and full potential. I had been trying to figure out how to bring my ideas to life and felt like I was getting nowhere, but now I have a business that feels so aligned — something that’s truly connected to my soul. I am so grateful for her insights and support.

"Kendra helped me see where I was playing small and showed me how to step into my power and full potential."


From the start, Kendra’s calm, warm presence and the positive atmosphere she creates made me feel completely comfortable and free to be myself. Getting clear on my true purpose was revelatory—it helped me see where my real gifts are and what brings deep meaning to my life. I now realize that most people who are unhappy feel that way because they don’t know their true purpose. I had always understood the need for purpose but never never quite understood the spiritual nature of it like I do now. Before this program, I pursued jobs I was good at but that didn’t align with my true calling, but last week I started my DREAM job, which allows me to tap more into what connects me to the universe and ignites my passions, and I owe it to this experience. I tend to avoid structure and as a result I'm probably never quite as efficient as I could be. But now I've got a calendar and I use a daily schedule based on the tools and processes Kendra showed me, and as a result I'm far more productive than I was before. Our conversations helped me focus on what really matters, and after 12 weeks, I’m happy to say this journey brought many more meaningful outcomes to my life than I ever thought possible.

"This journey brought many more meaningful outcomes to my life than I ever thought possible."

Most people end up wasting precious years (years they can never get back) wondering, "What’s my purpose? How should I be using my gifts? What impact can I make?".

They end up feeling overwhelmed, stuck, and unsure how to take action…
so they never do.

The whispers to live your purpose...

Don't let this be your story.


Kendra is a double-certified Soul Purpose + Spiritual Life Coach who has spent the past 3+ years passionately guiding brilliant souls on their journeys of healing, soul exploration, and alignment with their true purpose.

Before stepping into her current role as a Mentor + Soulpreneur, Kendra thrived in corporate Recruiting, where she was dedicated to helping people discover their most aligned paths. She became known for her ability to see someone’s highest potential, identifying their strengths, and uncovering the blocks that held them back.

Prior to her work in Recruiting, Kendra spent several years in Marketing, specializing in Branding + Business Development. Her unique fusion of expertise allows her to offer a rare perspective and dynamic approach to her coaching, blending deep, soulful alignment with practical business strategies and a visionary eye in the digital landscape.

Kendra grew up with a strong connection to spirituality and an equally insatiable curiosity for psychology. She has spent years exploring the connection between these worlds, developing a holistic understanding of the mind, body, and soul.

Today, Kendra integrates her dynamic background into a coaching practice that goes beyond traditional methods. Her mission is to guide those who feel called to live their purpose but haven’t yet aligned with that deeper calling. She empowers clients to turn their beautiful visions into reality, share their unique magic, and live in true alignment with their souls — all while embracing a life full of joy, passion, and deep fulfillment.

meet kendra

on this Sacred Journey

Your Guide